After studying Literae Humaniores (Classics) at the University of Oxford, Meredith went on to complete the prestigious two-year Teach First program
Meredith’s classical background has made her not only an excellent translator, but also a brilliant communicator. At university, she explored in-depth the intricacies of Ancient Greek and Latin, and continued to use such knowledge when teaching students who are newly arrived in England.
Whether translating Slovakian or Thai, her Teach First experience has allowed her to help some of the most vulnerable students and those whose ability to communicate has been continually frustrated: It has been her privilege to serve as their voice.
After joining the newly formed Harris Westminster Sixth Form in 2015, her role as a teacher of English Literature has allowed her to continue to communicate. From Shakespeare to the technical use of free indirect speech in narrative, Meredith uses her Oxford and classical training to decode and deconstruct language.
This is, at times, a welcome challenge: Harris Westminster Sixth Form’s goal is to increase the rate of entry to top universities among students from areas of socio-economic deprivation.
In this year alone, Meredith has helped two of her students applying to study English to enter Cambridge University and 23 students in the year overall have been accepted into Oxbridge.